You can also contact us using the support contact on this page. Please report bugs to the developers on GitHub: English Wikivoyage is only 807MB (or try our separate app), and English WikiMed is 1.7GB (also available as a separate app). However, if you have limited storage you can still download specific parts of Wikipedia, such as medical pages, maths or computing pages, or a no-pictures version which is 37 gigabytes. The file is currently 93 gigabytes and you might want to download it using BitTorrent (torrent link provided in the app). If you want the full English-language Wikipedia with images, you will need a *large* microSD card in your device, or plenty of disk space on a PC. You *must* get an archive for this app to be useful: it only comes bundled with a small test archive of the top 100 Wikipedia articles so you can get a feel for how the app works. You can download one in the app, or from in your browser, or you can swap archives with friends on a USB stick. If you just want Wikivoyage (Offline Travel Guide) or WikiMed (Medical Wikipedia) in English, we have two sister apps in this Store that come completely pre-packaged (no extra download required): search for "Wikivoyage by Kiwix" or for "WikiMed by Kiwix" for further details. Offline files are available for Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikivoyage, Wikimedicine, Wikimaths, TED Talks, Project Gutenberg, Stackexchange, etc., in all the available Wikipedia languages. The app reads a larger offline file that you can download to your device's storage (e.g. This lightweight, free and open-source app from Kiwix () is in active development, so be kind and report bugs you experience to the developer (see info below). It's great for travelling, or any place where access to the Internet is difficult or expensive! It's often faster than Wikipedia for quick consultation.

You can download convenient "themed" collections of articles from Wikipedia, or you you can download the whole of Wikipedia in your own language. Download your chosen archive and store it on your device (you can do this within the app).

It makes knowledge available to people with limited or no internet access, and provides you with amazing reference tools always at your fingertips wherever you are, or when you just want information *fast*. It only comes with sample content!*** Kiwix JS gives you free *offline* access to content from Wikipedia, Project Gutenberg, TED Talks, Wiktionary, Wikivoyage, Stackexchange, etc., in many different languages. ***To use this app properly, you will need to download a completely free archive (in-app) with your chosen content.